Christmas in the PRC


Christmas is not a traditional Chinese festival. However, more and more people in the bigger cities have taken over certain holiday traditions from the west. Especially commercial ones. Department stores and big hotels have Christmas decorations. Gift shopping is great and you can greet Santa here and there.

Companies that deal with foreigners give Christmas parties. Afterwards the foreign employees go home for a couple  of days and the Chinese back to work. Most offices, shops and schools stay open. Business as usual.

The number of Christians in China is very small (estimated 1% of the population). However, Christian churches are very popular places during the holiday. I’ve been told that it’s fun to go to a Christian church to listen to the songs. Everybody gets something to eat and a little gift to take home.

I’ve seen Christian churches with Christmas decorations that are never taken down. Such decorations have in a way become a symbol for the religion.

Have a happy holiday season unless you work in China.